
Oct 27, 2007 16:33

Lookit me all posting and shit! :D

So a lot of you know that I've always like the idea of tattoos. And that yes, I would want some. I've never really had a solid enough idea for what I'd get though. But recently I wandered around some tattoo communities and saw that hey, a lot of people are getting tattoos of just text. And they look AWESOME. And they gave me lots of ideas of my own!

The first thing that came to mind was a quote from the Dawn: Lucifer's Halo TPB I've mentioned before (near the bottom). For those who hate following links, the quote is:

This is the world, there is no other.

The current plan is to get whatever tattoo I do get on a forearm where I and others can see it. The big thing is I want to be able to see it. Currently I'm thinking on my left forearm, on the inside, from my elbow to my wrist. There are other quotes I'm thinking of but honestly this one means a ton to me so it's the most likely.

It has been mentioned to me that this specific quote could possibly offend religious types, especially ones that think everything is about their 'constantly-persecuted' majority religion. My response to this is in a few parts: Don't care. People that get offended that easily deserve to be offended. Also, it's not about that, it has nothing to do with religion for me (follow the above link to learn what it means to me, you lazy bastards).

I also have some other quotes from the same source that are awesome. I'd get them both as a single tattoo, in this order:

We see what we choose to see and disregard the rest. It's a strange and wonderful world, if you open yourself up to it.

Those may not be the exact quotes, I don't have the book handy. But that's essentially it. I'd probably get those in two lines, one above the other.

So, bombard me with your thoughts. I am a tattoo virgin, I have no info on any tattoo parlors local to me. I am open to suggestions on fonts etc, but as it's just text it'll have to be a good size so it doesn't get blurry as I age (if we don't find the cure for that any time soon, anyway), and the key here is it must be easily readable; no script for me.

And in response to someone's inevitable naysaying, yes I'm sure. Yes, I can handle the thought of being eighty with words on my skin. The whole reason I'm planning this is because the words are some I'd like to keep with me always to remind me of the lessons that they encompass for me.

comics, my boring life, tattoo

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