Hell Week is almost over

Feb 09, 2011 19:12

Which is an exciting prospect.

I just have two exams tomorrow. One of them is film so I really don't feel as though I can study. It will just be two essays on topics/ clips that will not be revealed until tomorrow. Maybe I should check up on all the main character's names in the movies we watched? I don't know. Maybe.

But then I also have Anthropology. Which is pretty much biology in disguise. Which is pretty evil, seeing as I was entering a class all about culture and now have to cram five weeks of chromosomes and evolution in one night. Which I was planning on doing all day, I swear. It's just I stayed up so late last night working on my paper I was so tired. And still am. And well...

This can't be healthy. My goal for this semester was to do BETTER than last time 'round. But I still can't be fucked and it's starting to scare me. I have to pick a major before I sign up for spring classes so my dad doesn't freak. I've ruled out linguistics. Currently thinking about business or advertising. Neither option really inspires me or anything. I just feel as though I should get myself a cubicle job and get the rest of my life over with already. I've moved past actually feeling as though I'll find something I want to do.

Now I just want something mindless that when I get home can totally forget about until I have to go back in the next morning. God. This is so depressing. If anyone ever mentions that I had a bright future before me when I'm at my cubicle, I'll rip their guts out with my stapler and happily spend the rest of my life in a prison or loony bin.

I'm so over it all.

my life is falling into a perilous spira, grudge, color me unamused

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