May 07, 2006 22:25
blah blah blah blah i read all day and enjoyed being horribly antisocial and sloth-like.
blah blah blah watched cheesy australian romance/comedies to further my distaste, hollering at the screen..."you don't exist!"
blah blah blah went grocery shopping solo, then to walmart. talked to many random people about the weather.
i bought an atlas friday night and it provides hours of entertainment. katie is the only one who understands this. we laughed like raving lunatics for an hour at chapters, then proceeded to holler, "why are we single", then discussed possible dream dates involving the keg, and using our male counterparts as a RISK board.
all of these ideas stemmed from the atlas.
pretty much, atlas is the word of the month.
lunacy is the mood of the summer.
blah blah blah, seriously, i only write in here when i feel lonely and cranky. don't hate.