Sep 05, 2008 15:57
I figured I might as well jump into this furball somewhere, and I was trying to determine how I could piss off Matt Miller, Wurtele, Lauren, Caitlin, Jenny, Emily Rhodes, AND Winston. And the conclusion I came to is this...I'm kinda excited about...both these guys. Maybe I'm just a sucker for a well crafted, emotionally charged speech. Maybe I have a weak spot for the highly scripted and choreographed theatrics of party conventions. But the fact is, I've been sucked in...twice.
Historically I'm a dirty, dirty liberal, but I've always known I had a little closet-Republican in me. I fully expected McCain's speech to make me barf on myself, but it didn't. I think both guys are excellent, well qualified candidates for this position. I've been trending Obama since the get-go, but there's always been some hesitation. Part of it is just blatant stubbornness. I run with dirty liberals so I've been surrounded by Obama zealots since the very beginning, and part of me always wants to go against the crowd no matter what. But over the past week, Obama's soudbites keep getting whinier and whinier, and McCain looks more and more competent and progressive. I'm falling for his cross-the-aisle antics. I wanna believe he really will end the bi-partisan rancor. I wanna believe in...oh hell, I don't know...something...anything.