I Am A: Lawful Evil Human Fighter Thief
Lawful Evil characters believe that a nice, orderly system of life is perfect for them to abuse for their own advancement. They will work within 'the system' to get the best that they can for themselves.
Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.
Primary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Secondary Class:
Thieves are the most roguish of the classes. They are sneaky and nimble-fingered, and have skills with traps and locks. While not all use these skills for burglary, that is a common occupation of this class.
Iyachtu Xvim is the Lawful Evil god of fear, hatred, malice, and tyranny. He is also known as the Godson and the Son of Bane. He appears as a gaunt, naked, scimitar-wielding man, or as a black cloud with glowing green eyes. His followers are working to strengthen his position in the world by converting (often by force) other deities' worshippers. They wear black robes with dark green trim, and wear black iron gauntlets with green eyes on the backs. Iyachtu Xvim's symbol is a black hand, inset with green eyes.
Find out
What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of
NeppyMan (e-mail) Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XXXXXX (6)
Neutral Good ---- X (1)
Chaotic Good ---- XX (2)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXX (5)
True Neutral ---- (0)
Chaotic Neutral - (0)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Neutral Evil ---- XXX (3)
Chaotic Evil ---- (0)
Human ---- XXXXXXX (7)
Half-Elf - XX (2)
Elf ------ X (1)
Halfling - (0)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXXX (7)
Half-Orc - (0)
Gnome ---- XXXXX (5)
Fighter - XXXXX (5)
Ranger -- X (1)
Paladin - X (1)
Cleric -- (-2)
Mage ---- X (1)
Druid --- (-4)
Thief --- XX (2)
Bard ---- X (1)
Monk ---- (-6)
The link. Enjoy you geeks :)