Self issue? 11-24-13

Nov 24, 2013 11:39

There's this guy I've been crushing on for some time and I want to ask him out to dinner but I'm afraid I'd be a terribly boring date. I don't find I have much to talk about that's positive right now because things are a bit rough at home and work is boring. And I'm pretty boring myself. We have a love of hockey in common but I can only talk about that so much, despite Will's belief otherwise. I've never spent one on one time with him or even gotten to hang out in a group setting. We have crossed paths at Lightning games but even then I'm nervous and not that talky. I'd like to go catch a rec game of his but I don't know when he plays. It's obviously not the right time to ask him out, what with my issues. I feel it'll just be another missed opportunity.

Unrelatedly, my head feels like it's on upside-down. I have a headache everywhere and I'm pretty sure it's tension related to inactivity. There's too many things I'm not happy about regarding my home situation. I guess I gotta think on that some instead of ignoring it. I'm afraid to live alone because my depression will eat me up. I don't think I'm mentally stable enough to live alone.

I'm trying to keep up a good front but it's wearing me out.
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