This entry is purposely directed at Nickie Axt

Feb 16, 2006 12:55

This entry is purposely directed at Nickie Axt, for all others who read I should appologize... but I probably wont. Sorry.

Hi. Hows life? Well it's about to get a bit shittier since I'm pissed off at you to no end. If you're going to talk about Nessa being "Selfish, Conceited and not caring about anyone in Minnesota," you should take a good long look in a mirror. You have always been selfish and mostly concieted but I think it's gotten worse since last I saw you and I was prepared to over look it because you were my friend. Now, you're not, nor will you ever be again. I've gotten so sick of you saying things about people and making them feel like shit because you're so insecure that you don't know how else to get attention for yourself.
I would honestly suggest consulting a psychologist, they might be able to help you with your problems so you can function normally in society without pissing off every person that you meet. You act like you need all the sympathy in the world whenever I read one of your livejournal posts. You're the one that doesn't think about any one but themselves, and doesn't care about any one but themselves. You pretend to care so people will be nice to you and I'm sick of watching the show.
If you want to have a functioning relationship with anyone I would honestly suggest trying to think about the other person and how they feel. The world doesn't revolve around you Nickie, and neither does the Sun or the Moon or any other planet in this Universe, although I imagine you think so given the tone of your live journals, but I digress.
If you ever, ever, ever say anything to Nessa resembling what you've said that I have in quotes above, I will personally see to it that everyone in your life sees that you are the biggest, most selfish and conceited person that I have ever met. I will spend my whole life doing it if I have to, and it would be worth it. You have no sympathy, no compassion, no anything but jealousy toward other people, because they're happy or they've gotten to do something that you thought you were privilaged to do or just because they exist in a world where you think you deserve the best of everything. I think the only person you've ever given two shits about is Justin Timberlake and you don't know him, never met him, he doesn't know you exist.
You are bound to be miserable for the rest of your life if you keep going on this way. To say it quite plainly, you are a bitch. You always have been and I'm sick of it. Grow up. High school is over. Get a real life instead of the imaginary one you think you have. Be a human being, and maybe, just maybe someone will eventually care about you. I don't any more and I doubt that I ever will again. As far as I'm concerned, you don't exist to me any more.
So, this is goodbye, and I'm not really sorry to say it either. Tata.
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