Title: Delivering Just What You Need
Author: frankie_ann
Bands: Pieces of Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, The Academy Is…, and Panic! at the Disco, with background My Chemical Romance and assorted various others.
Pairings: Pete/Patrick, Gabe/Bill, Gabe/Vicky-T, Gabe/Bill/Vicky-T, assorted background pairings
Word Count: ~25,000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: attempted suicide, self-harm, mild violence, mentions of sort-of-successful suicides, hetero (albeit not-entirely-hetero, three-way) love, really hilariously bad fake sex products, really not-actually-legal age differences (that aren’t actually super relevant due to the characters being older than dirt because they’re angels, but I suppose it could theoretically bother people.)
Summary: Patrick shows up on the night Ashlee tells Pete she’s leaving him, when Pete is pretty sure he’d be doing the world a favor by leaving it. Patrick-with copious application of ice cream, the Food Network, snuggling, and occasional well-meant not-quite-violence-does his best to keep Pete alive.
Pete, in turn, does his best to convince Patrick that Patrick is, in fact, secretly Pepper Potts, and that Cupcake Wars is not a legitimate form of entertainment.
In the meantime, Vicky-T, all sharp eyes and crocodile smiles, looks after Gabe and tries very hard not to care that Bill is looking after him-and maybe her-too.
Gabe spends most of his time trying to convince Vicky-T that he’s allowed to have two soulmates at the same time.
This story features ice cream, Iron Man references, ridiculous adventures in adult novelty stores, random smatterings of Spanish endearments, and angels. Specifically, angels with lethal legs and mad baking skills, short tempers and absolutely no clue what they’re doing.
Chapters and Links:
Awesome Fanmix:
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
http://frankie-ann.livejournal.com/13906.html Or, you can read the whole thing in one piece (including the two prequels) at Ao3: