Nov 15, 2005 22:59
I am not perfect, nor do I aspire to be. Perfection is a form of death. I'm grateful for my demons because in the worst of times they're my allies, and in the best of times they're the measure of my accomplishments. I don't seek truth, I seek reason. Truth is relative and found only by consensus, while reason is irreducible and adamantine. When in the presence of other people, I try to locate the soul essence I can't see with my eyes. It's good practice for my main hobby, which is to locate the soul essence in myself. If these habits make me obsessed, intense, and inscrutable, so be it.
These wild ideas were printed in the San Antonio Current and I found them so inspiring I had to repeat them. As for me, I find myself filled with questions about my being and my reasons. I shall meditate on this.