Jul 06, 2005 11:07
I am horned that the Great Tiffany found a spot in her blg to menchan little old me, an dI hope she finds space to menchan me again but one thing I have to tell you Tiffany I am greatness and greatness beats great all the time dont ask me how it just does.
But anywho, Yester day I got my mom good, we wwere eating dinner it was me, my brother, his wife, my cousin, my step da, and my mother well we where talking becouse well my mom is going on a cruis at the end of this month, and my brother and I are going to take a cruis in November all of the Sousa family, it's going to be a family reunion/my grandamas 80th birthday.
I guess they made a new rule becouse last time I went on a cruis I didn't need this, but I heard now we need a passport and we where talking about people that were denied passports do to deliqint child support payments etc.
Well my brother and I where sitting on the same bench so my mom pointed at both of us asking us if we have child support payments that are delinquit, and the wise ass I am I said this with a straight face I told her well! not that I know of unless, Mary isn't telling me anything, man! I just wish I had a camera to take the pictru of her expression on her face.