You know what sucks? When you have a big, long, epic and totally awesome lj post or snippets of a big, long, epic and totally awesome lj post in your head and you're like, "Man, I have all this funny and insightful shit to say about my life! Can't wait to share it with Livejournal!" then you get home and ya got nothin'. That really sucks.
You know what else sucks? The sixteen-plus hours Maggie, Megan, Jackie, and I had to spend in a car unshowered and sleepy to get to Milwaukee to see Panic! at the Disco at Summerfest.
Know what doesn't suck? Panic! at the Disco at Summerfest. (Okay, yeah, I know. Same old songs and covers for the umpteenth time and the new song has lyrics we all wrote in the sixth grade for that lame-ass poetry section of English class. I know. But come on, I finally got to meet those idiots and it was very, very, cool to me. :-))
I'd bore you with all the details of the performances but truth be told, I totally missed The Hush Sound and The Academy Is.... Gym Class Heroes was pretty ballin' but my pictures are awful and I think the only one who'd care about my video/audio from the performance would be Keisha, lmao. (GIRL REMIND ME THAT I HAVE TO RIP THAT FOR YOU!) And there's nothing I could say about the Panic! performance that you couldn't see on Youtube like, three hours after it happened.
BUT, I can tell you about our little meet and greet experience. And since Maggie made me laugh so hard I spit Coke all over my computer screen and I'm in an awesome mood, there will be clear, untagged, totally iconable~* pictures, too. :-)
Waiting outside the little meet and greet room, we were getting kind of listless. And by listless I mean, we couldn't stop jabberjawing about Spencer Smith and taking shitty Myspace pictures with the girls in front of us. (DUDE, sidenote. You know who was there? Jack Marin. Homeboy came out to use his cellphone and obviously I went into dude-that's-jack-marin-i-need-to-get-pictures-for-torey! mode. So I tried to snap a few and then Jack took off back into the backstage area and very gracefully scolded me. "Don't put that on the internet! ... I'm serious!" Okay, Jack. No pictures, boo.)
Right before we get in, I'm talking the moment right after Zack opened the door for us and right before we went in to meet the band, there was this terrifying second where Maggie just froze and didn't move to go in the door. I seriously thought she wasn't going to walk into the meet and greet. And since I have like, negative balls, I certainly wasn't about to walk in first so it was a gut-wrenching one second for me. Luckily, shoving Maggie worked and we were in the door.
We walked in and Panic! was already laughing at us. I guess the group of us just sort of standing there staring back was pretty funny, or something.
This is kind of where everything becomes a blur tbh. The first thing I remember is walking up to Ryan and giving my best hey-I-love-you-but-I'm-going-to-be-cool-and-pretend-I-don't smile and said something straight stupid like "Hey Ry, wanna sign my shitty ticket?" Then he had to go and make me feel worse by flashing a totally charming smile and using his equally charming monotone on me to say, "I would love to sign that ticket for you. =)" (HIS LIFE IS AN EMOTICON, I SWEAR!)
Then I said something like "we has presentz r u excited?" and again that jerk Ryan kills me with, "Presents? I am ready. Let's go." The irony and lol of this now is................Ryan didn't get any presents, lmao. :-( Okay he did but his presents were like, a sparkley "R" keychain and a keychain that says "I ♥ Ryan" which I told him was for Keltie anyway. Meanwhile everyone else got amazing, well-thought-out (and, you know, plentiful) gifts and giving Brendon his gifts was like pulling rabbits out of a hat or like one of those clown cars with a dozen clowns climbing out because we just kept pulling gifts out of our asses for him and ugh :-( LMAO Ryan, my apologies. Next time, boo. You get gifts.
I think at that point I was already in Let Me Embarass Myself mode and skipped past Maggie so I could get Spencer and Jon to sign my ticket (BTW THIS WASN'T EVEN LIKE A LEGIT TICKET. THIS WAS A TICKETMASTER.COM PRINTOUT THAT WAS ALL WORN AND FADED BECAUSE I WAS NERVOUS AND SWEATY AND FOLDING/REFOLDING IT A MILLION TIMES. SIGN MY TICKET, PANIC! AT THE DISCO!) and I could sort of just stand there and show off my goofy braces and awful sunburn. 8-)
Then, Maggie and I get to Brendon and this is where all the fun happens. You see, before our hellish 18-hour drive to Milwaukee, we spent a fabulous week at the Outer Banks hanging on the beach. Fabulous. And went we weren't cruising with her brother listening to Lil Wyte, walking it out and doing the heisman during mini-golf, and eating some fucking money tuna fish, we were shopping for the disco. And since me and Maggie put together equals negative amounts of common sense, we decided, "DUDE, YOU KNOW WHAT'D BE A TOTALLY COOL GIFT FOR BRENDON? A HERMIT CRAB!"
So we gave Brendon Urie a hermit crab (which btw, had to be smuggled into Summerfest in a HT bag) and dude, he fucking loved it. His facial expressions were a mix of :O D: :D and he sort of gasped when he saw the cage and stuck his face right up to it to see the little crab and spent the rest of the meet and greet signing things quickly to get them out of the way so he could play with crab again! (I think I introduced the crab to him with some lame line like, "Here, you get your present first because it's the best." Yeah, I totally don't get all JTT-in-the-90s over Brendon. *facepalm*) I wish I were exaggerating and bragging right now, too. But dude, he really was fucking STOKED on that thing. Throughout the meet and greet, he had this to say about the hermit crab.
Me: "Do you like it?"
Brendon: "I love it."
Me: "Are you going to take care of it?"
Brendon: "*pulls
this face* Are you kiddin' me? Shiiiiit." (Okay he didn't really say the 'shiiit' but it was def implied.)
Maggie: "You better not let it die."
Brendon: FUN FACT ALERT! "Dude, I once had a goldfish and it lasted for five years!"
Brendon (to Jon): "What should we name it?"
Jon: "Let's name it Hermit."
Brendon: "LOL HERMIT!"
Jon: "Or Milwaukee, let's name it Milwaukee."
Brendon: "Hehe, yeah Milwaukee's good."
Brendon: "Lil Boo?" (I wish I could type out exactly how he said this, my goodness. Brendon doesn't have an ounce of southern inflection in his voice AT ALL! He said Lil Boo with some crazy enunciation like the second "l" in Lil was really heavy on his tongue and it had to be said and idek, he said "boo" all white too. Can't explain it, but it was cute.)
Me: "Yeah, Lil Boo."
Brendon: "Then we're keeping it. I like Lil Boo."
Brendon: "I'm just, in AWE of my gifts right now you have no idea."
Jon: "Where's my animal? :("
Random One-Liners about Lil Boo:
"Dude, this is awesome! Lil Boo, I love it."
"Zack, have you seen my pet?" (IT WAS CUTER THAN IT READS, I SWEAR)
"This is so awesome." (LMAO SUP LAME QUOTE but he was kind of chuckling and looking over at the other guys like he couldn't believe this was his life when he said it.)
Again, I'm kind of blanking on specifics and really only remembering things that were funny to me, but other highlights were:
- Zack looking right over at Maggie and saying it was time for our group picture and Maggie leaving him mid-sentence to go give Cassie (who was there btw!) a baseball keychain we got her and then she had the nerve to whine about missing the group picture. ;)
- Jackie lying to Spencer about how long we'd been on the road and Spencer lying right back. ("We've been in the car since 10 pm yesterday morning." "Oh yeah? One time we had to drive from Maryland to Vegas and it took us 44 hours." FUN FACT: It only takes 36 hours to drive from College Park, MD to Las Vegas, NV ;))
- Breaking the meet and greet ~*rules*~ and getting hugs from everyone. Megan got two from Brendon for just being Megan.
- Me giving Jon a baseball bat and being like, "Here, this is for you and your girlfriend." Christ! He's going to think I want him to abuse her or be kinky or both. Or that we were total lesbians who had a crush on his fucking girlfriend since she got more gifts than even Ryan. :/
- Me giving Spencer candy. I FELT SO FUCKING BAD! I swear, when Megan called me from the Dollar Tree and asked what I should get Spencer, it was totally funny at the time to say, "LOL CANDY! GET HIM CANDY!" but when I was actually in his face and had to GIVE him said candy? Fuck. I felt like a tool. And I def said, "Here, this is for you. :/ It's candy."
- LMAO Me waltzing over to Ryan to give him his ~*presents which I demanded he be ~*excited for and then slapping two shitty keychains on a table and being like "These are for you and your girlfriend :(." To his grace, I think he knew how duncey I was feeling so he Rysmiled at me all cute and was all, "=D thank you!" SIGH SIGH SIGH
... I know I'm forgetting something. Let's see, let me list off the gifts real fast and maybe it'll jog my memory.
Ryan Ross: two keychains :( and one of those Grow Your Own Credit Cards that said 'Mrs. Spender' on it and grew to 600% times its size! OMG!
Spencer Smith: candy (OH JESUS CHRIST WE GAVE HIM CANDY WHAT THE FUCK!), 'Being a mime means never having to say you're sorry' shirt, bubble bath in the shape of hearts and kisses for him and his girlfriend
Jon Walker: I ♥ Dylan keychain, a keychain with a tiger on it and the name DYLAN (well gee, I hope these fools have keys tbh!), baseball bat -_-, double shot glass. Oh yeah! Double shot glass! We gave him a cute one that said "Virginia is for Lovers" on it and I gave him my best "Y'all need to come back to Virginia so we don't have to drive 20 hours to see y'all! :)" and his reaction was something like ": 0 oh my god." He liked it.
Brendon Urie: hermit crab!, hermit crab cage/food, purple glow sticks, STUD keychain (I said something douchey like, "We got you this keychain, you better use it." He said -- are you ready for this? -- "...dude.") and I guess the pleasure of having all four of us congregate around him the whole time and ignore the rest of the disco. Hehe :-(
Disco: 'Welcome to our Cabin' needlepoint sign with like legit stitching on it and a pirate flag. OH YEAH! THE PIRATE FLAG! Brendon got a hold of the pirate flag and made some like, high-pitched orgasmic noise and was all, "Ross! ROSS! Dude, look." (Ryan looked and was pretty surprised. Jon and Spencer didn't make any bones about the flag. I guess pirates are a Ryan and Brendon thing.) Then Zack mentioned something about hanging it up tonight~* and Brendon waved the little flag around going, "I'm walking out with it!" ... HE DIDN'T THOUGH. MUCH TO MY DISMAY, BELIEVE YOU ME.
Hmm.. we also got them some sweet hallmark cards. Jon's was something about LOL (Lack of Liquor), Spencer's had a naked boy with a snorkel on (WE WIN AT FANDOM CUTE AMIRITE?), Ryan's had poker chips on it and was a musical card that played Kenny Rogers' 'The Gambler' and we wrote 'Take it easy with that gambling, son' in, and Brendon's was some obnoxious card that played 'Whoomp! (There it is)' and said some shit like YOU DID IT!!! and we added 'we don't know what you did, but we're sure you did it big... actually we just liked this song tbh.' He did too, he danced. :-P
Credit to Amber who we met at Summerfest for these next four, actually. I'm obviously the grody looking one in white who looks torn between wanting to stand behind Ryan or Brendon and ending up somewhere at Jon and Spencer.