
Mar 02, 2009 17:31

Okay, so I tried reading a bit of Twilight the other day, because I hate that book and everything it stands for, and I didn't want to be one of those assholes who despises a book without having read it. (All those Harry Potter-hating psychos come to mind.) I've always thought that was a lame thing to do, since even if it's terrible you should know what you're talking about.

Oh my God, you guys. It's even worse than I'd heard about. I got about a hundred pages in and seriously nothing happened, beyond her describing ~*~Edward~*~ in the sort of purple prose you'd expect in a teenage fanfic author. (It was also glaringly obvious SMeyer had never been to Washington, but whatever.) I knew from reading about it that Bella has no personality of her own, and it's totally true--she...really doesn't. I don't see how this could possibly hold the attention of anyone, let alone a teenage girl, since there's a reason teenagers have a reputation for being horribly fickle. All the really lolzy bad stuff must come in later, because the first quarter of it is unbearably dull. Also, while I'd read all this stuff about how Edward was a creepy stalker, nobody seems to mention that Bella is, too, completely obsessing about this random boy to the point where her every waking thought seems to be about him. NO ME GUSTA, SRSLY. Not only is everyone boring, both she and Edward have some serious, serious psychological problems, and...yeah. I could go on, but others have done so much better before me.

Anyway, enough of that--I got the corset for my Susan costume today! My goal tonight is to finish basting the dress together so I can sit down and sew it properly next time Katie's home. Really I just have to put the sleeves on and attach the zipper, but I've never done either before and just know I'm going to have to do it four times before I get it right. (Which is why I've put it off until now, really.) This corset is awesome, and works so well--the only thing I'm going to have to be careful of is that some of the panels are satin, and my callused little fingers seemed designed to destroy something like that. I either need lots of hand lotion, or to wear gloves when I put it on. Once I have the whole thing together I will post pictures. :)



ranty mcranterson, costuming, what the shit

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