Apr 23, 2009 09:37
Last night we had a game and I pitched to the kids cause the head coach wasn't able to make it. I beaned two out of the first three batters in the last inning. The second responded by smacking a line drive that almost hit me in the head. I suppose thats called karma. There's something really awkward about beaning an 8 year old in coach pitch... There's the slight groan from the parents and then the jokes from the other teams coaches like "pitch count running a little high coach? Need a fresh arm??". Then of course the kids dont know how to take a pitch so instead of turning their backs to the ball they jump backwards and get hit square in the chest. Its a little funny in hindsight.
So I've definitely decided that Kolby's my favorite kid on the team. Not that I try to play favorites with anybody but seriously everytime this kid says something he cracks me up. A couple weeks ago I was in the outfield with him while we were on defense and he randomly decided to ask me if Cardinals fart (it's our team name). I kinda laughed and said "well, I think it happens to everybody." He just casually looked back at me and said "Oh, cause I just farted". Yesterday during the game he decided that he wanted nachos after the first inning so thats all he was talking about. He decided to start digging holes in the outfield and stomp up and down on the ants so I told him if he caught a fly ball I'd buy him nachos. He started paying attention to the game but started negotiating the terms and conditions. I told him I'd also buy him nachos if he caught a ground ball and threw a runner out at second.