Aug 25, 2016 23:36
I have a 2 bed spaces and 2 floor spaces available at the Hilton (couple years i was lucky to have Eddie Mcclintock as my neighbor during the con)
Anyways, I already have three guys and a girl sharing the room with me (we're all friends late 20s and mid 30s, all non-smokers and been going to DC* for ten years), so all genders welcome, i have only couple of requests if you share the room with us, be respectful to other people need to rest (as we barley get any during the con) and have fun ;).
Room Parties and alcohol is ok as long as you have the permission from the other people in the room.
I require a minimum of $100 deposit to reserve your spot through paypal or in person (as i got people canceling at me last minute last year and ended up paying the most last year)
Hotel: Hilton
Check-in: Thursday
Checkout: Monday
Bed Space: 250 (for all the days)
Floor space: 200 (for all the days)
Contact: Maitham
Email: (prefer if you text me so I can answer faster)
Text: 470-223-2718