Jul 12, 2006 03:59
so i wuz goin thru them emails taday and came across some real trash! sum anoneymouse hater tottaly tried tah make me luuk stupid but i caem out tha wizer1!! newayz herse whut the bitch said!:
2006-07-05 04:19 am UTC (link)
Letting a guy who's been in prison fuck you up the arse is a really bad idea (you know, he only wants to do it so he have the power, I'm guessing he was the little bitch in prison and now he's taking out his new found insecurities relating to his masculinity out on you.)so you should probably get an AIDS test done.
Also, you live in Canada therefore you're under British rule, so please use the Queens english. i.e: Arse not ASS. You are not a crass American, rise above those around you.
I'm also not entirely clear on whether you are goth or hard core. You dont really seem to be either, yet you claim to be both, which is impossible, you're either on or the other (unless of course Canadians do things differently to Australians, but I imagine that people are catalogued the same way regardless of what country they in.)
And: you're in your 20's now, get your shit together for fucks sake.
eh. "
so im all liek yah rite! heres my reply ta tha hoe!!!!!1
"okey... imposible
2006-07-12 07:58 am UTC (link)
Comment Posted Successfully
okey, so i just got yor replie and stuff.. frist of all i cant get aids impossible cuz he pullz out1 he neve cums in me so no way thast happenin111 being done in tha ass is so much betta for u newayz! u dont get pregger scares! duh!
i dont get whut u meen by british stuff... im canadien (canada chix kick ass!!!!!1 whoo!1)
also im tottally goth n hardcore... im both1 seriusly...!1 i like punk rox music like green day and blink but alzo luv marylin manson n kirk kobain... i like evrythin sucka! im a totally out there gurl who nkows whut its like ta have rough shit happen1 i aint no avril-fuckin-laveen facker bitch1 jeez!1 i dont think ya get us xgurlsx at all with yer pampered suberben aussy lifestyle1!
Jezus! i kno im in my twnetys hoe1 dont need ta tell me1 its ruff1 i came ta tersm with that tho and i lerned!
il'l alwayz be that ghetto gurl who never had a chanc to hoes like u1 u dont even kno!"
ill be laffin at that biches funeral1 prolly got krome toomstone tho!!!1 fucksakes1 she'll be sorry when i get famus with my music and potery or im discuvered as an actress!!!1 i kno i wuz a little harsh, but i jus hate when them suberben gurls thenk they kno me right111???/ like have anuther scocth with ya rich mummy n daddy while im stuck in 8mile (not relly, but that'd be cool!!!!)with my sixpack uf lucky!!!1 god! seriusly lif fo me culdnt get wurse.. ill tell yall bout it when i'm in a betta mood!