Jun 18, 2005 12:39
I'm a little bit disappointed in myself as far as exams go. I only studied for one of them (AGS3) and I blanked out while taking it and more or less left 3 problems blank. I pulled off a 74 on the Bio, which was really good for not studying. That exam was very fitting for Dexter: "Alright chilluns git out dere and catch as many critters as you can. Don't be afraid to wrassle any uh dem or nutthin, ya hear?"
Spanish was easy, probably got an A. The resevoir tip of the condom broke while I was attempting to rape Government, and I think it gave me Ghonoreeah, no big deal though. Keyboarding was ridiculous. Mr. Miller gave us a 4 page exam that took the entire hour and a half. I was like, "What the frig? This is keyboarding, and you're desperate for people to like you. It's your perfect chance to spoil us." Intro to Journalism was really easy, and I probably made up for Dan's and my shitty project by jumping that test's bones.
Now that work is starting, summer kind of lost it's sexiness. It's not the same anymore.
I saw Crash yesterday with $eth, and it was a decent movie and all, but I need to know why people think they own the theater all the time. There was this hag sitting in front of us (who looked like a sex-starved troll) and whenever I would talk ever so softly during the movie, she'd turn around and look at me like she was so offended she might miss Thandie Newton giving more fellatio. Honestly, those people need to relax.
Then one of the three girls sitting behind us "forgot" to turn her cell phone off before the movie. It started ringing right at a good part. It was one of those annoying rings too, like "OMG so I have a cell phone, and I'm gonna choose the loudest ring so you all know I have one, k?" and she let it go about 5 times. Then she had to check to see who called, of course; because she is so goddamn important. A minute after checking we hear her obnoxious phone make the powering off noise. Camille, who was randomly at the 5: 40 showing of Crash too, turned around and was like "Are you serious?" haha. This is another reason I'm glad I don't have a cell phone yet. People act like they are so fucking interesting/important for having one, or they always need to show it off. My 7 year old cousin has one, they're not cool anymore.
On top of the uglies and the phone whores, there was a group of people who were just howling at every single racist joke made by Ludacris. Like, "OMIGAWD! DATS FUNNY! CUZ WHITE PEOPLE ACSHULLY THINK DAT!!1" I just never bought into that kind of humor, it's too overdone.
All in all, if you want to see Sandra Bullock trip down some stairs, a bunch of actors who you'll go "OMG I know them from somewhere...but I can't remember what and it's gonna bother me for 2 hours", and Tony Danza, go see this.
I don't mean to bitch so much, it just comes naturally.