That one's goin' in my dream journal

Nov 29, 2008 02:04

I have had a lot of dreams lately that have turned into weird sci-fi horror movies. The one I had last night involved an invasion of alien robots who injected into people some kind of serum that turned their insides into robot insides. The second part of that dream last night involved me, Em Keev, and David Rogers going into a house of our friends we suspected to be alien robots. First we went into a tool shed and armed ourselves with blunt objects like wrenches and crowbars (I think video games may have had a major influence on this part of the dream). We then went into the house and everything seemed cool at first, but soon our friends revealed themselves as alien robots and injected us all. David Rogers told me to hit him in the back of the head with a hammer before the serum took effect, but I wouldn't. Then as I felt myself becoming a robot I woke up because my mom was calling me.

The first part of my dream, which may or may not have been related to the second (if there ever was a connection, I forgot it), involved a group of people, namely Mikey, Khaki, Randi, and myself (of the ones I can remember), drinking a lot of beer in some common room in Mary Foust. This is strange for a few reasons: for one, there's really no reason any more that group of people would ever be drinking in the dorm, and two, we're not retarded so we wouldn't be doing it in some classroom (it was a fictional classroom, not one oft eh actual ones in Mary Foust). Anyway, somebody left and forgot to close the door, and David Rogers walked by and got super pissed off. I felt pretty bad. Maybe that's why I wouldn't hit him with a hammer later on.
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