
Dec 11, 2019 01:34

Whoa, haven't watched Elementary in a year, but the other day I saw commercials for the current season on Global and they're in fucking LONDON with pixie-what's-her-name who looks like
sabotabby's ex-roommate (not that much, but lossy memory, etc) so that peeked my curiosity.

So I need to catch up, fired up season 6, and OMG I can't believe how contrived everything is, until I hit episode 5 or 6, get reminded that the investigations are often just excuses for the personal drama around it, and it looks like they've finally launched the season's background plot arch properly.

And now they had a sweet episode that made me legit cry because of how tender Joan & Sherlock were towards a Situation in the end. Weeeee!

It's already 1:30am and I'm probably going to line in another episode, so unfortunately this is going to kill my sleep for a little while...

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