So, the trainwreck also known as Merlin has come to an end. I am both relieved and sad about it... relieved because season 5 was utterly horrible (more horrible than the already disappointing season 4) and honestly I couldn't take the stupid anymore; sad because despite everything I still had some fondness for the show, and the thought of how great
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A MILLION TIMES THIS. Of course this. I wanted this SO MUCH. I wanted to see Merlin get recognize and he and Arthur triumph together and there really is no reason why the show couldn't have done it that way.
But. I will say, in the show's defense, that I sorta kinda get what they did instead, even if it's angry-making and I hate them for it. I get the lesson of service leadership embodied by Merlin. I get that the prophecy *did* come true, just not as we thought/hoped (which has its own roots in canon). I get the hint of hope that Arthur may return soon because this is a time of great need. I do. I just . . . don't see why they had to fuck with us this much. AND AT CHRISTMAS.
Totes agree that Mordred and Morgana's roles were not well handled. Mordred's death was creepy and sad enough for me, but Morgana's needed more pizazz. Or maybe that was kind of tied up in a "lesson" from the show, too? That the stuff of legend *isnt* as spectacular as it's remembered?
Idk. Sorry for the brain dump. LJ is my therapy too! Thanks for letting me get all this out. The hurt is still so fresh. ;_____;
I don't know... it could work on a *mental* level, I guess, but emotionally not so much. Most of the comments I read online are rather negative, many people are just not happy with this ending at all, and I think there's something way off with it. Merlin started as a light-hearted show,with a comedic tone. They decided to end it like a proper tragedy. I don't think it fits the kind of show Merlin is (it would have fit Starz's Camelot if it hadn't been cancelled). I don't think any of us viewers would have guessed such an ending a few years ago (and the producers' interviews gave completely different expectations. That's why I think that something has changed along the way...).
Morgana's needed more pizazz. Or maybe that was kind of tied up in a "lesson" from the show, too? That the stuff of legend *isnt* as spectacular as it's remembered?
In a better show, Morgana could have been a multi-layered, epic and sympathetic villain that you could even root for. What a waste.
I really think the writers behind this show just couldn't conceive/write/handle complexity, and that's why things went to shit after season 2.
Idk. Sorry for the brain dump. LJ is my therapy too! Thanks for letting me get all this out. The hurt is still so fresh.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings!!
I will never get over it. Every Arthur/Merthur gif/picture I see online hurts. Will I ever be able to rewatch the show knowing how it ends?? Too painful! :(
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