Dec 23, 2008 04:13

My MA is panicking the absolute bejeesus out of me. It's not just the sheer amount of work I've got to do in such a short space of time (by July), it's the academic language, this whole idea of critical reading, critical thinking, critical writing, the fact that I have to read so bloody much, and in the immediate future the fact that the library is shut until the beginning of January.

Not having anyone in my every day life who has got an MA is also not helping - there's no-one around me who understands how much work has got to go into it, no-one who is in the culture of having done one and can empathise. I know some of you dear readers have, but you're not here helping spur me on when the old motivation is taking a nosedive.

I was thinking of withdrawing but I've paid £3,000 towards it. I'm not going to get that back. It just seems such a huge great big monster at this point in time, and there doesn't seem to be a way to break it down into smaller pieces.

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