Sep 13, 2007 05:44
5.45am in the Big Brother House: Graham is in the living area, eating ice cream...
My throat is fucking killing me. I had a cold all last week, and had trouble sleeping because of blocked nose/coughing/sweating/headaches, and now I have been left with a truly horrendous sore throat that is also keeping me awake at night. I went to bed at 11pm (early for me) because I was so tired, and woke up at 4.51am because my throat hurt so much. So now I am downstairs, eating ice cream, and listening to the sounds of Davyd enjoying a good night's sleep upstairs.
Work is totally stressing me out at the moment. I'd look for another job, but I don't know what I want to do. I thought I had found my vocation, and it is possible that I have and that this is just a very poor example of that. I don't want to leap out of this job and into something a lot worse. Or more boring.
I think I'm being bullied by my line manager. I got a bollocking on Tuesday, my first day back after being off sick for a week, for not doing some things that he had asked me to, which I couldn't do because I was off sick. And he was relentless in his criticism, and it wasn't necessarily constructive.
He has received a complaint about me from another member of staff, for not being as committed to another project as she would have liked me to be. I got a bollocking for that, even though it was him that forced me to prioritise the things he wanted me to do over everything else. I just don't think I'm being treated entirely fairly.
I've been offered the chance to transfer to a different team, and it's worth considering. I don't want to lose some of the good things that I have in my current role, such as the chance to work alongside Simon my co-conspirator. But I shouldn't be laying awake at night worrying about work.
The worst part is that he is trying to make me step down from one or two committees that I joined with agreement from his predecessor. These are things like Action Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the LGBT staff consultation forum and the LGBT young people's service. I tried explaining that without my input some of these things would have folded ages ago, and he said that was entirely the point. Part of me wonders if I should surreptitiously organise a public protest against the closure of LGBT community facilities.........