Nov 03, 2004 15:50
Alright... so Paris sucks... that is when you're alone and sick and in a shitty part of it. So I went home early (two days early!) and now I'm chilling in Avignon till Mom and Daz get in. So wicked excited for them to get here.
Got up early today so that I could start the day knowing who my president is. sadly that's not how it happend. Stupid fucking political system, stupid fucking republicans, stupid fucking midwest, stupid fucking democrates... stupid fucking election. Oh well. So, we may as well accept the fact that Darling W is our president again. Oh well... oh well... Though I am happy to hear that there was a record number of voters this time (or at least that's what the french tell me) and that Obama won in Chicago. Dude, he won by 70% how hilarious is that?! yay obama. According to NPR there hasn't been a midwestern/northeastern democratic president since Kennedy... damn. Yay NPR... how I've missed you.
Okay so 254 to 252... please please please Ohio, go to Kerry... and let the provisional vote BS go in Kerry's favor... please please please don't let Bush win this... please... I'm begging and pleading. I'm down on my freaking knees. I like France, but I don't really want to live here for the next four years. I want to return home, but not to a Bush Presidency... ugh ugh ugh.
that's it I'm done with this shit...