you are the only exception.

Oct 06, 2009 22:07

hi everyone <3 i know, it's been a while since i last posted here, but school started again and i really have no time .___. for example, today i studied from 3pm to 7.30pm.. it's a torture çòç
anyway :D lots of things happened!
- one of my best friends won a meet&greet with Tokio Hotel (this is the first thing that came on my mind xDD) .. she totally deserved it. she's the leader of our street team and she worked hard for two years. i did, too.. as hard as her. but in the Italian fandom only recommended people win these kind of things most of the time .___. anyway she had my copy of Zimmer 483 signed, so i'm quite happy :) and she gave Bill a present from me and one of my best friends Rebecca <3
- keeping on talking about Tokio Hotel, their new album is out now.. well, i was expecting something more rock or things like that, but i quite like this anyway. my favourite tracks are Geisterfahrer, Fuer Immer Jetzt and Zoom; i almost hate the english version, cause the lyrics are all the same -they aren't as beautiful as the german ones- and Bill totally changes his voice when he sings in english. i bought both versions anyway u.u
- i had a fantastic sleepover with Laura and Giuliana at her place the day before school started.. it was A M A Z I N G <3 we stayed up until 5am talking, playing stupid games and eating chocolate <3 i love my friends.
- if you don't know what to do, then click here and look what we did in Berlin this summer xD
- i bought the most beautiful dress i've ever seen. (it's more red and it's more beautiful, the camera doesn't do justice to it u.u)
aahh, i wanted to write more but i have to go ç__ç i guess i'll do it tomorrow or so.
bye (:


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