(no subject)

May 22, 2009 20:58

Hi everyone,

i'm definitely happy. School is ending, tests are finished, and i'm finally free *ò*  this afternoon i bought a lovely Nikon Coolpix as a present for my Confirmation (yes, i'm Christian.) which will take place on Sunday. I'll wear this Fornarina dress and these shoes. <333  anyway the camera is just FANTASTIC. i want it since, i don't know, maybe december 08? there were only two things that i wanted more than it, and they are "losing weight" and "long hair" XDD so i think you understand how much i care about this shiny little thing.
now that i have a decent camera, i want to start a 365 project. a few people i know are doing this, so why not doing it myself. it sounds fun.

i went to the cinema and watched "Angels and Demons" last week. cool. maybe a little emo. x°DDD

awwwhhh i love Green Day's new record *___* i find it simply great. my favourite songs are Before the Lobotomy, Viva la Gloria, 21 Guns and Restless Heart Syndrome. And Peacemaker, and East Jesus Nowhere. ok, that's practically the whole record xD

i want to change the layout. ç_ç


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