Hi. My name is Francesica and though I'm not new to The Sims 2 at all, this is my first attempt at posting a legacy on LiveJournal. I have read some really awesome ones, and I hope I measure up. I'm going to try to make it through a simple 10 generation legacy challenge without botching up too many of the rules except for maybe the very first, but anyway, here goes.
And, here's our founder, Jericho Steele. As you can see, he has a thing with mirrors. He can't help but autonomously primp almost constantly, when he has nothing else to do. He is a Fortune sim and his astrological sign in Aries. He has a secondary aspiration as a Family sim and his LTW is to Become Hall of Famer. His stats are: Neat-9, Outgoing-9, Active -6, Playful -3, Nice - 2. I don't exactly remember his turn-ons/offs but I'm sure I'll mention those later. Oh, and he has an awesomeness complex. I'll get on that right away.
Jericho's awesomeness complex has one major threat in that he can't blame his awesomeness on being an only child. He is one of four, actually but his real competition comes from the one he shared a womb with. Yes, let's meet his twin brother, Jaycob. Jaycob is the nerdier twin who greatly excelled in school since they were children and continues to hold his own in the life-long competition of who can be the most awesome, with Jericho.
This story starts out at Sim State University. The young men have taken up residence at one of the dorms, where their differing personalities make themselves known, though subtly. Jericho had a want to major in economics while Jaycob chose mathematics.
It's clear, he prefers his Quantum Calculus IV over having any dealings with the dreaded cow.
Jericho and Jaycob have this one, small... well, alright, huge problem that threatens to throw bloodlines to the neighborhood cow-plant and wage all-out war with each other. Their slight differences don't count their preferences for the exact same available females. Jericho, being the outgoing of the twins was the first to meet Cassidy. Well, actually she might be more outgoing than him. As soon as she claimed her door and the boys were home, she came down the staircase and pretty much stalked Jericho until he finally settled to talking with her.
His outgoingness way outweighs his activity, Cassidy, but good job on picking up his crazy addiction to football, and any other physical sport for that matter. This is the twin who maxed out his body skill within days of becoming a teen.
Seriously, if it can be considered a sport, he's at it, HARDCORE.
Kudos to Cassidy for picking up on that. He thinks she's a sports fan too, and that makes her smoking.
Ok, maybe not quite so smoking that you need to go stand in front of that frosted window, wearing nothing but your undershirt.
Good save, man. Yeah, you were just being helpful and cleaning the sink, not acting like you left your brain outside to freeze.
Oh, but wait, there are more fish in this pond besides Cassidy. This girl also thinks Jericho's hot. Her name is Veronica and she's also into sports.
Once again, the feeling is mutual. Decisions, decisions.
Veronica lights up like a Christmas tree and distracts Jericho, while...
Twin sharing must literally know no boundaries.
You know, I'm really glad we met. I was starting to wonder if I would always be stuck just liking girls who all flocked to Jericho.
I mean, who would've thunk it, me meeting a nice girl like you who's not just hanging out, waiting for my goofy twin.
Well, you never know how this road of life may turn. *This is getting complicated.*
And they whisper sweet nothings, while Veronica walks by, hoping that this seals the chance that she might be the first generation spouse and therefore, become insta-multi-billionaire supreme. Doesn't she know that the first generation is actually the poorest? Poor thing, she doesn't really know Jericho that well, at all. Or Cassidy, for that matter. (Just seconds later, our founder came up and ACRed a charm, bringing he and Cassidy to having a crush on each other.)
Three bolts and little pink heart!!
Houston, we may have a small problem, here. Sorry, Veronica, no actual seen bolts for you, yet, for either of them...
OK, so here's a start. Jericho has just entered into his Junior year. There'll be one more chapter devoted to Uni and then, we'll probably find out who's going to be the Generation 1 spouse. So far, it's a close run between Cassidy and Veronica, though a dark horse or two, possibly Lora even, might find a way to pull her way into that lead spot. R&R, if any of you can. I can probably use some pointers on how to go about actually making this work.