And I'm back to normal speed internet! So now I can continue on with posting. I have a shitload of textures to upload in the next few days and possibly some icons. I've been collecting screencaps all day and now I'd like your opinions on which movies and tv shows you'd like icons made of. There's a poll, check whatever you're interested in. Or most interested in. Also, if you have any suggestions of movies/shows not on the list, let me know, I'll see what I can do. As far as TV goes, I'll use whatever episodes I can find. And since most of you are Twilight/WA people, I will of course be making more of those anyway.
Here's the poll, please please do it. Answer as many questions as you want. And of course comment if you have other stuff to say :-)
Poll IconsALSO - for the Twilight fans... I watched the movie again today, downloaded it - so exciting - it's keeping me happy till the DVD is released. I've made myself into a Cullen in these pictures:
one two three. And I'm now over making myself into a vampire. So if anyone else is interested, you can send me a pic of you and I can do it for you! The picture should be big/high res, it's also helpful if your hair is out of your eyes. I can do the whole pic and make an icon for you if you'd like. I'm soooo bored, so let me know if you're interested.