Keep an eye out here, I will be posting some Oriental Rugs I plan to sell in addition to a few other items.
I was able to get these for a good price so I got extras so I could pass a few on to my friends...
They are all less than $100.00 each.... and would offer a great enhancement to your SCA camping experience. They are more geometric than tribal in design (which I feel is an advantage- your mileage may vary).
Pictures, Measurements and Pricing to follow.
I would also be willing to consider offers on the Turkish Brazier that I posted about
**HERE**. I'm not going to Pennsic this year, and I don't have a near eastern persona, and I'm out of space in my house so I want it to go to a good SCA home. I never got around to buying the grate to go over the basin and coals, so the purchaser would need to find one to suit their taste.