Aug 25, 2007 00:14
mayb i just need to give up on dating this year [even tho its like closin of the summer...and falls comin so i dont have THAT far left to go]...and majorly focus. i mean MAJORLY...ive been upset with myself just even more upset today. i cant believe i let things get this far without handling the situation. *sigh* im such a procrastinator. id hate myself if i was my friend. what a loser.
*sigh* i cant keep a man...or a women..
fuck the shit...maybe im better off alone...
YA RIGHT...*sigh*
imma go dance...or eat or just plain old lay in bed & watch a dvd....
i dont kno why im even workin..when people wanna take the money that ive earned...*sigh* your so stupid...
i piss myself off in the worst way possible