Well, Christmas Eve and Christmas day were spent in a whirlwind of goofing off. I had RL snow that kept us in town, so more time with my SL friends...
So Christmas Night, (Not Christmas Eve...) my friend Sath was online and so was Laconia, Sath needed help exploring some dance animations, and at one point I dragged them both to MyAnimations, Cause I wanted to pick up another disco dance (I've been hanging out a lot in the oldies dance clubs).
You see, the secret to looking good dancing at a club, is to get better quality dance animations than the club provides. So you don't dance the same lame dances as everyone else.
I managed to snap a pic of the three of us testing out the freestyle dances:
I'm so jealous of Laconia, she looks good no matter what dance she does..
Whereas I get on some of them and look like a total dork, lol.
Then Paully joined us and we all changed into 50's clothes to go to a sock hop at Rojo's. Problem was it was christmas night and everyone was dressed in formal clothes. The notecard the DJ sent had nothing about this but you can't control the whims of the masses.
Afterward Paully and I went Blackhearts Cafe and danced to 80's Music.
I was going for a cross between the Bad Girls in the Musical GREASE, and Audrey Hepburn.... So....do you think I got it?
After that I had some time on my own to work on the clan lands, then I went searching for new (to me) Clubs.
I went to one place that professed to be a 50's/ oldies club called the Underground Garage, but the music was not to theme and the DJ had pornographic audio cuts between the songs that were not well executed, and just a lame distraction from the music...
So I continued my search, and found a place called Big Daddy's, which is one of the bigger clubs... They had a great crowd and great music, and a surprisingly huge number of guys... Reminds me the Meat Market Clubs of the 80's.
I'm also amazed at how many times I got hit on in this outfit...maybe dressing casual has it's advantages...