I think I bought band-aids at rite aid and left them there

Jun 16, 2006 17:59

I, apparently cannot efficiently navagate the Metro unless it involve one line. Yesterday proved that. Twice. I decided it would be a good idea to go to work a different route to see if it was faster, it wasn't. I took the yellow line to L'Enfant plaza and then the orange to Farragut west. Apparently if you go west to farragut west you exit on the other side of the station than if you go east. It was like the twilight zone, I was lost. I spent 5 minutes wandering around until I found a map. I had the sinking feeling I was in the same situation that James Stewart was in during Its a Wonderful Life. I didn't exist. Two blocks later I found my usual station and got to work. ten minutes late. The whole ordeal took me an hour. going back I took the blue line to L'Enfant and switched trains. Here I learned a valuable lesson: Getting on a train without knowing what line it is probably won't take you where you want to go. I had gotten on the first availible train without seeing where it was going. I thought hey there are seats availible and people are getting on this train, therefore it must be the yellow linw. Nope, it was the green. I went to Waterfront-SEU. Realized my horrible mistake, but comforted by the fact that can say I have ridden all of thee metro lines. Took the green line back to L'Enfant. Spaced out and wandered around the station and somehow go on the yellow line going the wrong way. got off and FINALLY go on the correct line and eventually made it back to my apartment.
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