I am still alive

Jan 05, 2006 13:45

Contrary to popular belief, I returned home from Vermont/RI, not only alive but scar-less. Hooray! Why would I not be alive you ask? I went skiing. And believe it or not I did pretty well, expect for the little adventure Ben and I had, but now it's pretty funny to look back at. All in all it was a wondrous trip and I thank Bonjomon very much and wish to remind him that no matter how hard he tries I will always conquer him in Skip-bo.
some quotes:

Ben: "Isn't crazy that Santa and Satan are spelled with the same letters?"
Sam: "There's no i in Santa"

Ben: "Eby's from West Virginia"
Loring: "No, she's not"

Loring:"What's day is it"
Eby: "No, it's not. It's Monday. We talked about this earlier"
Loring:"The thai place is closed on Monday"
*this was after we had spent 30 mins deciding what to order*

Mr. Owen:"...and I was like OMG"

Eby and Ben: "T-bar!"
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