Hello, it's been quite some time since I've post something or properly see my friends page. How are you all doing?
As for me, I'm quite excited but nervous in my new semester. After one semester refreshing my memory about some methodologies, science philosophy, and test construction, I started to learn more about the core materials of my major, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, in this second semester.
And my first day? Felt like a slap on my face. Fortunately, in a positive way.
First of all, a bunch of my friends and I got scolded because we got late. Well, I only got five minutes late, and my mum said that my professor was too overdramatic about it since Indonesians have this unwritten norm that it's okay to be late as long as you don't pass 15 mins--but anyway, I felt like I'm being reminded that I used to be early if not on time, and I need to go back doing that habit again.
Secondly, a lecture by the next professor reminded me that we had to start being professional, and our career had started even now, in university. And I was reminded that yes, it's especially right for me, because someday, I want to be a lecturer in my university. So well, I have to perform well if I want to be chosen in the future.
Thirdly, I was reminded again that I'm one of the students in class that hadn't had any work experience. My professor implied that I need to work harder to catch up with the rest. And well, I'm kind of nervous on that, but I'll try to do my best.
My second and third day were thankfully more relaxing, there were humors bouncing around in the class thanks to the professors and some of my friends. On the second day, I also met some Korean students that were on study tour, and we exchanged e-mails. It's hard at first because I can't quite catch what they said, but we got along quite fine. Anyway, I hope that this fun would continue ♥
That's all from my days, and I got tagged by this meme by
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
Well, the rule didn't say that I should not say this: I tag anyone who got the time and motivation to do it.
1. I got very expressive when singing that even my professors commented about it.
2. I love hugs when I'm down.
3. I also love rolling around my bed when I'm frustrated.
4. My friends sometimes are worried when I'm suddenly silent when I'm actually sleepy. But I used that excuse when I feel down.
5. I love to see the views outside the window when I'm bored.
6. I need to be awoken by music, exercise, or good fanfics.
7. I usually sleep at 21.00 until 05.30 to function optimally. My friends called me a baby because of that.
Btw, I'll try my best to keep up with you f-list, but I'll be on and off lj. PM me if you need anything or want to say something to me, and that's it for today!