(no subject)

Jan 06, 2010 12:59

I should have doing some chores right now, especially since my house looks like a wreck, but I'm tempted to procrastinate. Must be because the sinking feeling that I got because my tentative GPA is lower than a friend of mine who I had kind of tutored this semester *wince* STOP BEING SO COMPETITIVE, SELF, IT'S SO UNBECOMING. I don't like it when I feel this way, it's like I want to be sincere for the happiness of someone, but I can't. Urgh.

Take a deep breath, and remember that even though it's lower than some of your peers (and lower than the one you tutored), it's better than you had expected. What's a grade can do to you anyway? Getting a lower grade won't going to kill you though it might make your life more difficult. Just LET IT GO, self. Inhale. Exhale. Yep, better now.

Nevertheless, if I ever feel down, I can distract myself with this:

It's a Merlin DVD Box Set, the complete Season 1. I got that as a gift, and went lhjghgdfsdgfhj because OMG, somebody had actually bought it for me! I don't know if that person will appreciate it or not if I told her name here, though (if you, the kind person who had just given me that treasure, happened to read this and wanted me to credited you, do so, and I'll surely put your user name there :D). The present had just arrived yesterday even though it's meant to be delivered not long after Christmas, because I was late in opening the door for the postman (the postman just left because he thought there's no one home). But anyway, I'm VERY VERY GRATEFUL for that gift. Especially when I can watch the Video Diaries in high quality (and with a subtitle)--it'll surely help me cope when I'm stressed *sighs happily again*


Time for some fun, and stop the RL drama. Both stolen from jusrecht, but the latter seemed to be everywhere...

Your result for The Fan Fiction Personality Test...
The True Fan

OOC is blasphemy, canon is everything.

Once you fall in love with a movie, book or TV series, you are loyal like an old dog. You take fanfiction quite serious and use it as a substitute after the canon ran out.

You are probably a walking dictionary of your favourite fandom and you are picky about what you write and read. The closer to the "real thing" fanfiction is, the more you like it.

You rather explore a character in all depth, see new sides and learn more about them than creating new characters or mix up the situations they are in.

Take The Fan Fiction Personality Test at OkCupid

Haha, I can't say that I'm a walking dictionary, and I can't say that the closer to the canon, the more that I like it (I love AU as much as canon fic, if not more). I do loved realistic fic, but it doesn't have to be in the real world or something to be realistic.


Give me a character and I will tell you:
+ OTP for them.
+ Runner-up pairing.
+ Honorable mention(s).
+ Crack pairing(s).
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't.

Do humor me? ♥

meme, fic writing, merlin, ramblings

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