bursting at the seams!

Jun 03, 2010 18:05

There's SO MUCH to post!

First, thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I had a wonderful birthday, and your words made it even happier :)

Second, there is so much to be thankful for! But I feel the need for a reprise -- I am thankful for my family, who show me what it means to love unconditionally; and I am thankful for my friends, who help me to love who I am.

Third, I still owe replies to earlier posts -- there are conversations that have now been suspended for weeks! Maybe I should just let them go...Then again, they make puppy eyes at me from the corner of my brain...

Finally, here is the first installment of my account of my cruise vacation!

I stayed one night with my parents in Queens. On the next day, we - Mom, Dad, my sister J, her boyfriend Z, and I - embarked on a 5-day cruise to Bermuda, with three days at sea and two days in port on the island. For J, Z, and me, this was our first cruise vacation! We were going on the Royal Caribbean line, on a ship called the Explorer of the Sea.

Due to some passport and computer snafus, it took us quite a while to get on ship. Nonetheless I was thrilled - I love transportation vehicles! It's so much fun to experience ways to get from here to there. I love traveling by train, spending nights feeling the gentle bumps of the rail ties rocking me to sleep, and so I knew I would love spending time on the ship, too. To my disappointment, the ship was so large (14 floors or decks available to the guests, and several more decks below for the crew) that I couldn’t really feel that it was on water instead of land most of the time. Then again, after returning to shore, I spent a couple of days feeling the phantom sensation of the floor rising and falling beneath me -- the ship must have bobbled more than I thought!

Anyway, one of the reasons I love trains is that I'm claustrophilic -- I feel a strong sense of comfort in small spaces. In high school I used to stuff myself into lockers for fun. The rooms on the ship were the perfect size -- small enough to feel novel and cozy, big enough to feel extravagant. We stayed in two staterooms (why are rooms on ships called staterooms?) - J and Z in one, and Mom, Dad, and I in another. Here are pictures of my room:

A little hard to see because the picture was taken against the light. I slept on the top bunk -- my favorite! The sea looked so beautiful through our little window.

This is the reverse angle. Z is on the left and my Dad is pointing.

That's all, for now!
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