I tried to keep up with LJ for a couple of days, but then RL took over for a couple of weeks. Oops!
I'm starting an experiment. I'm going to post two things for which I'm thankful as frequently as I can, hopefully once a day.
1. I am thankful that I have friends with citrus trees. Starting in early February, I received four gifts of oranges and grapefruits, all tree-ripened and home grown. They were so sweet and juicy! It's almost as dramatic a difference as the one between tomatoes from the garden and tomatoes from the supermarket.
rahirah and
wildrider 's grapefruits were particularly fine.
2. After eating over 20 oranges and almost 40 grapefruits in a month, I'm thankful that I'm down to my last orange and last two grapefruits!
This is a silly day :) . I am thankful for that, too :)