new week!

Jul 30, 2007 09:20

I'm back from house-sitting! As much as I miss the girls, animals, and real kitchen, there's no place like home :) .

It is rare for me to see a film on opening weekend, but the planets aligned to make it possible yesterday. While in some ways, the Simpsons movie was just a double long episode, I nonetheless relished every moment and highly recommend it. And hey, I'm writing a dissertation on animation, so I know what I'm talking about ;) .

For one thing, it is SUCH a relief to look at competent 2D animation! The line-weights have gained more range on the big screen, and on the whole the scale-change was handled with subtlety and humor. Of course there were the expected hilarious pot-shots at Disney, FOX, the US government, Springfield's location, and Springfield's residents -- and to me, they felt suitably tangy rather than snide or desperate.

And Lisa finds a boy worthy of her! That alone endears me to the movie :) .

My father must see it. No. My parents must see it TOGETHER.

Pact with self: do at least a hour of work before accessing lj again. You know you want to!

family, animation, lj, home, procrastination, challenge

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