help please :)

Oct 17, 2007 14:49

My first lj poll! I hope I make it correctly!

My brain is on strike. It refuses to make decisions for me. Please help! :)

Update: This is what I missed (but for the very good cause of mental health maintenance):

(2006, China) Directed by Cao Baoping TROUBLE MAKERS
(2006, China) Directed by Cao Baoping

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lj, creative, school

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Comments 8

OROWesque reply to poll endless_lakes October 17 2007, 22:20:03 UTC
I said that you would stay home- partly to honor the OROWesque response. Her advise is always- sleep, eat, sleep, eat! Yes, work sometimes, but never too much as to impinge on sleeping and eating.

I'm somewhat interested in these potty-mouthed Chinese villagers. Seminar on consciousness and sound for 4 hours? I would not be conscious very long.


Re: OROWesque reply to poll framefolly October 18 2007, 01:50:59 UTC
I bow to the masses gratefully! I'm staying home! And it makes me sooooo happy :) .

Hey. Don't diss the seminars. I've been going to every one of them since September. And they're only 3 hours long -- the extra 1.5hrs is for driving and parking across town.

Read above for more info on Chinese villagers.


enigmaticblues October 17 2007, 22:28:08 UTC
I said stay home, because if you're that tired, you probably need the downtime. I know I always feel better after a night hanging out.


framefolly October 18 2007, 01:52:40 UTC
Thanks :) . I think you're right :) .


zanthinegirl October 17 2007, 23:22:26 UTC
You probably ought to do number 3, but personally I'd go for 2. And let me know how it is; I'm thinking of going myslef next weekend... :D


framefolly October 18 2007, 01:54:23 UTC
They're playing Troublemakers in Seattle? That's so cool! I know the series' programmers and trust their tastes 200%, so I would say go, even though I'm not going :( . But I feel less like the walking dead for it ;) .


blue_aardvark October 18 2007, 13:04:23 UTC
How can you go wrong with a movie having a character named 'Dog Balls'?


framefolly October 20 2007, 17:27:28 UTC
You can't. You really can't.


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