a music meme and other thoughts -- or lack thereof

Sep 02, 2007 14:50

Instructions: Comment and I'll give you a letter. In your journal, list 10 of your favorite songs that begin with that letter.

bluebombardier  gave me the letter "F" for framefolly. It was harder than I thought!

In no particular order:
For No One: The Beatles
First Noel, The: Traditional carol
For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her: Simon and Garfunkel
Foolish Games: Jewel
For Lovin’ Me: Gordon Lightfoot (if you don't know this one, the lyrics are SO sadistically good!)
Flying Free: Don Besig
Fantasies Come True: Avenue Q
Foggy Day, A: George Gershwin
Fun, Fun, Fun: The Beach Boys
500 Miles: Peter Paul and Mary

So my music tastes run toward the sappy. So what?

Two runner-ups that I'm not sure qualifies:
Theme to "Firefly": Joss Whedon
"Friends": framefolly

In other news, I've caught up to all my business emails, watched 2 movies, finished one data-entry project, brought 3 bags of clothes to a trading/donation party, brought a different bag of goodies back (including a corset! I've always wanted a corset!), and gone to dim sum. The apartment is still a crazy mess because I keep moving stuff around listlessly and mindlessly without actually making a plan. This morning I actually swapped two book shelves and their contents before sort of swapping them back, except musical chair style so that there's now an empty shelf and a pile of junk on my bed. It's starting to be a bother, because I'm starting to not know where stuff is, which is weird because there is now less stuff than there was before. All this does is make me sweaty and dusty, so then I go douse myself under cold water, which helps for about 15 minutes, because I can't stop fiddling with bathroom stuff either. I mean, I now have a bike pump in there, and can hardly open the door. Why? What? Huh? Who? Whatever. I'll resume the thinking part of my life after the sun goes down. Right now I'm going to make like a bowl of ice cream and melt.

meme, home, food, friends

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