last night I went to Keith's for Kevin's graduation party. it was actually really fun. Hoonamos got some action. ha. but today I have so much homework to catch up on, from being sick last week. I hate missing school, really. it puts you so far behind. and I'm still really out of it, so I don't know how this is going to work.
saturday morning my mom and I went to JoAnn's to pick out some Christmas presents for me. I'm so happy. I got an easel, paint, good colored pencils, this colored pencil technique book which I've been dying for, a few cotton canvas', this huge sketch book, and I don't know what else. now I just have to wait til Christmas. yeah! I sound like I'm five.
last night, I think I almost died. James was throwing darts with Andrew and I walked by and the dart seriously missed me by about a centimeter. I was so freaked out. it was a good night, all in all though.
I better go start my homework, before I become way to pre-occupied to even start. peace.