
Jan 28, 2009 02:12

First person.

The idea that first person is the most appealing form of reading is suspect, as I figure most folks are reading for the sake of escapism, not to "put themselves in the place of the hero/ine."

And I hate reading it. It was the reason I resisted reading the Twilights for as long as I did. Sure, when my daughters both told me how great they were, I got curious, but the minute I made it to the first "I" that wasn't spoken (8 words in, folks, I completely missed that the first word was "I'd"), I... put the book back down. A few days later I tried again, but didn't get much further.

Yeah, it's that big of a thing for me.

Why, then, am I doing the same damn thing? Why write in that style? Because I know I'm not infallible, and therefore there may be something to it.

The worst part? I can re-read my own work and absolutely cringe over the lack of detail. And then justify it by thinking, "it's the perspective of the character, not the author. S/he's not going to notice every little detail, only the things that stand out."

I wrote about Sam going to a party, from that perspective, and it was probably my biggest hit. And now, writing Paula (who is just absolutely awesome), I'm doing the same thing. First person. It's maddening, yet liberating at the same time. I have to balance my own personal distaste with "wow, I don't have to think too hard about clothing (unless it's coming off or being put on), scenery, nameless people in the crowd, just simply her own thoughts...

So, the appeal of the style is there, but it doesn't change my opinion. Oh, I could still write about the "gentle kiss of the wind" or the "warmth of liquor as it slides down my throat" but seriously, who talks like that? Or even thinks like that?

One of the things that often gets commented on in the reviews I get is believability of characters or dialog. And that still seems odd to me that it gets said, even in story where I have someone taking note of a combination of scents (Japanese cherry blossoms and vanilla vodka). I dunno. Maybe my though processes outside of the "written" word are a bit bland. Or, maybe it's just that I'm a guy. Whatever.


I picked that damn book up again... and started reading it... again. *two hours later* crap. Now I have to finish it again.


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