Much more time now that I'm not losing my head over papers and projects. Its a good feeling. But now its like, wow now that I'm all done with that, were do I go from here now? What do I do with myself now? For awhile it was like my existence was just to write papers and now I'm free. Free! And its weird. So, what I did was I caught up on the fashion magazines that I subcribe too(Jane and Teen Vogue), my political Magazine(Macleans) that I had been forced to neglect, checked out my favorite online video place to waste my time productively. Haha. And I'll also have more time to write blogs. Which I hadn't been able to do before because I was so damn busy before.
Another fabulous place I like to go is Its about Bryan Boy Le Superstar Fabuleux Adventures of the new-moneyed classess bitch from hell. Vulgarity is the new discreet. Trash is the new exclusivity. Third world has never been this *burp* chic. You just have to scroll down as in down!
I aspire to be him, haha! He has such fabulous clothes and accessories. I want to covet all he owns himself. For Chanel Sunglasses, you must have the real baby's if you want to wear those!
Other things on my mind are my pining for a cute kitten. I had a dream about kittens last night. And how it would be so nice for one to be sleeping next to me on my pillow. Sigh...But, that will have to wait. I have been getting an animal fix here and there though. Kahonwes dog Charlie is nice to pet once he calms down and my mom has Nessie now so I can cuddle with her and take her to play fetch at Matty's park when I come down for the weekends. It would be hard to have a kitten right now I suppose...And I need to give Nessie a bath. And my car needs a wash. Ugh...
I want to mail my sisters care package soon. I only have class at 1:30p.m. tomorrow. Its my sleep in day! Weee! So, I'm going to put in earplugs tonight so my roommates damn alarm doesn't wake me up in the morning.
I decided to get myself some Taco Bell tonight. I was craving it. The funny thing is I was watching street fight videos from and these two cute white guys were fighting in front of a Taco Bell and then I found myself wanting some. I had a Chicken Quesadilla, Supreme Fries, an Apple Empanada, and a 7-up. It was quite good and I'm going to be full for awhile. Haha.
So, I've got to go pharmacy shopping some time soon because I need to buy some new skin care products. The stuff I have right now just isn't cutting it and I've also made an appointment with my doctor so that he can prescribe some stuff so that I can get my near perfect complexion back that I had this summer. I freaking hate my skin right now and I'm going to do all I can do under my power to get my skin back to its formally healthy shining self. I guess my skin is probably this way from stress, bah...
I'm looking forward to this weekend that I will be able to enjoy guilt-free due to the fact that I am now done with all papers! Yes! I'm going to a Thanksgiving Dinner with Kahonwes on Saturday and it should be interesting. Haha. I like free dumplings. And I'm starting to get tired now...