Jan 01, 2008 14:33
Just when I had the time of the world to waste, the PlayStation died on me.
Or rather, I killed it ._.
It was yesterday morning that I've decided to transfer the site of the console outside our living room for more space and air, plus considering the fact that there were too many plugs hanging about in our fuse box in the main room. Pulled the PS and extension cord with it in a hasty manner that I didn't notice that the lid of the adapter had fallen off. Now when I tried to connect all of the wires did I hear the main component dropped on the floor, with the cables draping on the extension cord (adapter connected to the ext. cord).
Out of stupidity, I replugged the component on the adapter without removing adapter first.
As a result: the adapter made a huge 'Bang'. Right on New Year's Eve too.
And so, I'm suffering yet again for the loss of my *sob* only console. Only been playing that thing for a week >.>;
Dammit... I'll be forced to vie against my sister again for the PC...