aibhinn asked for "Fannish top five times when you just KNOW the Doctor and Rose were Doing It."
Personally, I think that Tooth & Claw is an exercise in "they're totally doing it." In some ways it fits a little strangely in the "doing it" timeline for me. I think in that regard it would work better closer to The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. But seriously, just check out their body language in this episode.
I screencapped these myself, so apologies if the quality is crap or I've done something wrong with the photobucket thing. It's my first try with photobucket. If anyone more html oriented knows how to put the picture in and resize it, please enlighten me.
Without further ado, top 5 moments in Tooth and Claw that tell me they've already gotten it on.
"Nice rack."
Then some serious personal space invading.
"Where the hell have you been?!" You only get to yell like that at someone you're shagging.
"Thank god you're not dead. I'd be really disappointed if I never got to hit that again."
"I'm totally going to hit that as soon as we're out of here."