The Hawk Legacy-Part 1.1

Aug 02, 2011 16:43

I think I found out the actual format for the banner. Didn't like the last one.
The real world conqured my life there for awhile and it took me awhile to ge this done.  Forgive me.

Last time on the Hawk Legacy:
We met our awkward founder, Mort, who believed his girlfriend might be cheating on him behind his back, only to find out it was true.  After a long time of boozing and club hoping, Mort stumbles upon Jasmine who turns out to not be who she claims to be.  When Mort finds out that Jasmine Alex took some of his leftover expermental drugs and was pregnant the two came to an agreement that they should live together and raise the adorable little offspring.

We begin with Alex turning out to be a remarkable parent.
He seriously doesn't pay attention to anything else anymore.

Then again, there is always a small crowd around the crib to see the baby anyway.

The baby yeas fly by however, and we come Cheska's leap into toddlerhood.

She's mostly Alex, with Mort's hair colour.


After Mort heads to work one day, an unexpected visitor just randomly shows up, and lets her self in.
ANNA:  "Mort listen I.....who the hell are you?"
ALEX:  "Doesn't matter who I am, why are you in my apartment?"

ANNA:  "You're apartment?  I know for a fact that Mort still lives here, so this can't be your apartment."
ALEX:  "I obviously live here, so you need to get out."
ANNA:  "Excuse me?  Just tell me where Mort is."

Anna takes her liberties, and pushes past Alex to attempt to find Mort somewhere in the apartment.

ALEX:  "He's not here so you need to get out of here you she-demon."
ANNA:  "What was that?"

ALEX:  "I sad she-demon you red haired temptress!  Now get out of my apartment!"

ANNA:  "Ugh, you are harshing whatever buzz I had left."

ANNA:  "Just tell Mort that I came by.  He'll want to talk to me, oh I know he will."

Alex decided that after that ordeal, everyone needed a little fresh air.

And went jaywalking.

Little Cheska enjoyed getting out of the apartment for once though.

Dat ass.

They where out almost all day, and by the end of it Cheska was fed up.

Alex was starving by the time they got back.

He wasn't the only one however.
CHESKA:  "What the hell is wrong with you!  Feed the baby first you idoit!"

CHESKA:  "This is what you give me?"

CHESKA:  "Nevermind, I'll just starve."

Alex was having his own problems with the washing machine.

He proceeded to be defeated and fall through the wall.  Needless to say it was awkward for everyone.

When Mort got home from work, Alex had a bone to pick with him.
ALEX:  "So do all your ex-girlfriends just randomly stop buy unannounced?"
MORT:  "Oh gosh, Anna was here?  I'm sorry Alex, I told her not to come around here anymore."

ALEX:  "Well that obviously doesn't stop her from coming in here and pretending like she owns the place."

MORT:  "Listen, I'll head over to her place after I get off of work and make sure she doesn't come around here anymore.
ALEX:  "I really do hope you will."

They day was made even worse by the repo woman coming.  Buying baby things made it so they just couldn't pay their bills.

MORT:  "Not the computer, NOO!"
She took some decoration from the desk and left.

Obviously to all things, and completely innocent is Cheska.

ALEX:  "It's coming to get you."
CHESKA:  "Dad, dad look out.  Dad it's coming!"

CHESKA:  "Oh no!  The simmanity!"

CHESKA:  "Ok now you gotta stop.  I just wet myself."

As promised, Mort went over to Anna's place after work in order to figure out her reasoning behind barging into his apartment.

MORT:  "Ok Mort, time to be strong and do this."

/srs face
MORT:  "I can do this."

Mort was buzzed into the building and headed upstairs to what he assumed was Anna's apartment.  Only to find someone else there.
MORT:  " Anna here?"
VLADIMIR:  "Why would she be here.  I assumed you where here for the brat in the bedroom."
MORT:  "Brat in the bedroom."

So basically, this is Lori.
And basically, she's Mort and Anna's daughter.
Oh snap.


ANNA:  "Woh Buzzkilington, what the hell are you doing here."
MORT:  "You happened to come to my apartment this afternoon, and piss off my roommate."
ANNA:  "That transvestite is your roommate?"

MORT:  "He's not a....nevermind.  Listen I was upstairs and well, why did you never tell me you where pregnant."
ANNA:  "I was going to, but we broke up.  Why do you think I just started acting weird."
MORT:  "Partying and cheating on my left and right is your way of acting weird while pregnant."
ANNA:  "Everyone is different."

MORT:  "Listen, I guess that I would like to spend time with her, since she is my daughter."
ANNA:  "Oh good, I needed the time to go out and booze around she needs to spend some time with her real father."

Mort got home, and knew he had to break the news to Alex somehow that he not only had and akward love child with him, but his ex-girlfriend spawned his sprog too.

Flowers make breaking the news a slight bit easier (hopefully).

ALEX:  "For me!?  Oh Mort, they are so pretty."
MORT:  "Good I'm glad you like them."

ALEX:  "Oh Suger, the smell amazing."
MORT:  "That's good.  Alex, I need to tell you something really important."

ALEX:  "Alright what is it?"

MORT:  "Well it's about the reason Anna came over."
ALEX:  "That she-demon, what about her?"
MORT:  "I don't really know how to put this any other way, but she was pregnant when we broke up, and we have a kid together."

ALEX:  "Would you like run that by me again."
MORT:  "Oh jeezus don't hit me.  We have a kid, and I thought you should know."

ALEX:  "Well I'm so glad you can find the time to tell me these things."
MORT:  "Why are you getting all angry?  I didn't know, and it's not like it effects whatever thing we have going on.  It's not like you where going to stay around that long anyway."
ALEX:  "What the hell does that mean?"

MORT:  "You had Cheska, and she's doing fine.  I thought it was just gonna be one of those weekend visitation things."
ALEX:  "So you thought this all up by yourself, and never thought about how I felt?"
MORT:  "Wait...what?"

ALEX:  "I'm just going to go out, and I'll take Cheska with me."
MORT:  "Wait, what feelings?  What are you talking about."

ALEX:  "Nothing important obviously, don't worry about it.
MORT:  "Alex, wait a minute."

Alex took Cheska out to one of the parks in order to get out of the house.

First thing is first:  bouncy pirate ship.

ALEX:  "That's right rock that boat!"

ALEX:  "Alright, time to get off."
CHESKA:  "Oh hell no."
ALEX:  "Come on Cheska."

CHESKA:  "I sad no."
ALEX:  "You've played enough, now come on."

CHESKA:  "Hell no, this is my pirate ship dammit."

ALEX:  "Cheska..."

CHESKA:  "Fine you win, put me in the sandbox."

Mort spent hours after the Alex left with Cheska trying to find where they had went in the big city of Bridgeport.

Wasn't really working though.

He then found the two them alone in one of the parks.
MORT:  Okay, you can do this...just go over there."

MORT:  "Hey Alex."

ALEX:  "Why are you here?"
MORT:  "Can we talk?  Can I sit down?"
ALEX:  "Fine, do what you want."

MORT:  "Listen, I'm really sorry.  I didn't think you had invested so much in trying to make this a relationship."
ALEX:  "I didn't think I was either."
MORT:  "Well, I guess we can try a little harder at staying together.  At least right now for Cheska's sake."

ALEX:  "You really wanna work on this?"
MORT:  "Why not?"

ALEX:  "Okay, fine, I'll accept that."

Mort and Alex spent some time under the stars in the park before they realized that it was getting late and the should probably take Cheska home, before she got too tired.

Upon arriving home, Alex and Mort found that there was just one of 'those' moods floating aroudn their apartment.

/Alex uses sexyface.
/It's super effective.

The next morning Alex is busy gussing it up in the bathroom.
ALEX:  "I need to do something different, something that will.....oh I know."

ALEX:  "Hey there stranger, what are you doing in my livingroom?"

MORT:  "What I...what did you do to your hair?"
ALEX:  "What does it look like I did?  Do you like it?"

MORT:  "Boy do I ever."


MORT:  "Oh gosh, don't take this as a reaction to what we just did."


To attempt to make up somehow for the previous night even more, and for vomiting all morning for some uknown reason Mort decided that he would make up some amazing dinner.
With his perfectionist trait he didn't do that bad of a job.

Sexy cooking face.

Steamy cooking, open those pores.

Almost there.

Dinner time, and then off to bed with everyone.  It's been a long few days.

He'll tell him in the morning.

Also, Mort is available on the main page under the "download a Hawk" cut.  Have fun ;p

hawk, generation 1

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