(no subject)

Feb 03, 2011 07:03

Orginal Image Size

Someone, somewhere, at one point requested downloads of sims from me. I have no idea why, but here are some ladies. I'll put some men out at one point in the near future. There is a distinct possibility that one of these ladies might end up in my own legacy **coughtaliacough** so hopefully no one has a problem with that (why would you...idk).

Talia Torschic
     -vehicle enthusiast
LTW-Physical Perfection
Roots/Grilled Cheese/Turquoise

Felicia Code
     -party animal
     -vehicle entusiast
LTW-Super Popular
Pop/Peanut Butter and Jelly/Yellow

Tam Ya-na
     -never nude
LTW-One Sim Band
Chinese/Dim Sum/Orange

Mindy Madamoiselle
LTW-Firefighter Super Hero
Kids Music/Sushi/Grey
[Mindy is born-in-game sim from my test family]
I will probably keep better track of the CC that goes into my sims in the future.  However, I do not remember exactly what is on these girls.  I can tell you that all of them but Felicia have Anubis360 hairs and Felicia's hair is from the official Sims store.  I use LadyFrontBum skintones except for Felicia's which Miss Skitty's super freckle edit of PaperCat's skintone.

Also, all these sims are made with facial and body sliders, so if you do not have any of those in-game, I wouldn't suggest messing with any of there facial or body features or they will snap back into a default place. Mindy doesn't have a lot of facial messing around, but her parents both had bodies that where changed with body sliders, and she gained that genetically.

download, adoptasim

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