Twitterings for Today

Apr 04, 2010 00:30

  • 09:25 is a woman obsessed. There's nothing more fantastic than watching things snap into place! #
  • 11:24 @ merveille If you're going to use the apps and don't need more than 30G of space, go Touch. Apps = fun. #
  • 11:48 is trying to decide if she wants to go crazy with her hair for a bit. I realized I have no reason to look even close to upstanding! #
  • 17:24 @ poloassassin congrats! #
  • 17:35 decided to skip Sakuracon and just go to Kinokuniya for masking tape and turtle-shaped paper clips. Now to destroy my hair! #
  • 18:21 is done with step one. Going to let my hair rest for a day and see where the winds take me! #
  • 22:09 is having a Saturday night full of tea, gfree cookies, WoW and Japanese darkwave. Mmm... heaven! #
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