Where's the Door

Sep 13, 2012 09:01

conversation with my 6-year-old

Owen: "So, Mommy, I grew in your tummy right?"
Me: "Yep."
Owen: "So, at one time I wasn't all put together and then my bones grew inside your belly?"
Me: "Yep."
Owen:" And then they all got put togeter and then I grew skin and then my eyes?"
Me: "Yep."
Owen:"And then I got my hair and my teeth and then I came out when I was done being made?"
Me:"Well, when you came out you didn't have any teeth, but everything else was there, yes."
Owen:"So where's the door?"

Me: *clears throat nervously*...  *then slightly stammers*  "H.. How do you mean?"
Owen: "The door.  Where did I come out?"

Me: "Perhaps this is a conversation you should have with your dad......"

I know!  I know!!!  I totally bailed on him when the tough questions came....  But!  OMG!!!!!!!
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