It's hard to not let a Dead!Laura fic be depressing, but I found this totally affirming. He's keeping Laura so present and alive, in her spirit, not a in a creepy, denial way, which he ironically flirted with while she lived.
I wonder f some of the S4 creep factor might not have been that Bill was trying so hard to be what he thought Laura needed that he wasn't who he really was.
Come to think of it, his death experiences (although we don't know what happened to ol' Joe) had been quick, sudden, heartbreak. He probably didn't really know what he was supposed to do during the act of dying. And since we know he really wants to just ball and sob, even he must understand that's not particularly productive.
The Raptor scene always fascinated me because, after all those months of denying Laura's going to die, Bill's right there -- and misses the moment. And Laura -- she was afraid of dying alone? Well, guess what, sweetie -- even though your man will be right next to you, he'll be so busy yakking away he won't even notice that you're gone for a while. And when you die, you'll be facing away from him, touching no one, as alone as you can get in a small, confined space with another person.
Comments 21
*is ded*
Seriously, this was beautiful.
If he let himself die, he'd kill her as well.
That's just so sad...*sniff*
One million, fifty one thousand, eight hundred and ninety eight minutes.
What, the number became too long for seconds? :p
Compare the number of minutes to the number of minutes in the section above it...
The Laura he loved was lodged in his chest, just to the right of his heart.
The only place Laura still lived was his thoughts. If he let himself die, he'd kill her as well.
You've taken my breath away with this little treasure of a fic.
And broken my heart.
He sometimes entertained the fancy that should Cottle ever visit, he would be able to hear Laura like the echo of a heartbeat.
The only place Laura still lived was his thoughts. If he let himself die, he'd kill her as well.
And, well, I could just cut and paste the whole thing.
I don't really know how to review this actually. Won't do it justice.
Hey, maybe it'll start the tears and then when you go read #10 challenges you'll actually cry!
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