Marry, frak, cliff

Apr 11, 2010 19:29

1) Comment to this and I will give you three people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the three people I gave you.
4) Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.
page61  thought she was giving me a tough challenge when she gave me Tom Zarek, Richard Adar, and Billy Keikeya. Ha! Piece of cake.


Richard Adar. Do you know the kind of perqs you get, being first lady? OK, so he screwed around with his Secretary of Education. Isn't there some kind of "5 people you get a free pass on" rule? At least the man showed good taste. And as a parent who has lived through way too many teachers' strikes, I can buy his position on that, too. And if he continued being a moron, I could always just leave him on Caprica.

Besides, Laura's ready to kill him (after she breaks up with him), but she still doesn't mind playing a little tonsil hockey with him. Man must be worth a try or two.

Tom Zarek. Well, he is age appropriate. And you have to give a guy points for being able to rock the same haircut he did 30 years ago. (Guess they didn't get "Hairstyles Monthly" in jail.) And aside from that terrorist/blowing up buildings/killing people thing, he did graciously give in when Baltar was elected VP instead of him, resist on New Caprica, hand Laura back the presidency. Most of all, he did have a point in the mutiny. It isn't easy asking people to not only make peace with the enemy who killed billions of people, but then accept them as equals, with all the same rights you have. And honestly -- who hasn't had the itch to off a room full of politicians now and then?

Besides. Laura tried to throw him off a cliff once. It didn't leave a scratch.

Billy Keikeya. Yes, I know. I hear the gasps of horror in the crowd. But really. (a) He's far too young for me to marry or frak. (b) He wears Doral's cast-offs. (c) He isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the political chandelier, is he? How much damage did his screw up in giving Baltar the "dead president" letter cause? Because of the letter Baltar decides to get Roslin. Hello, bomb on Cloud 9. Hello, New Caprica.Frak's sakes, Billy, couldn't you have waited an hour or two? And hello, Dee? What were you thinking, Billy-boy? And then getting yourself killed, basically over her? (If this is what Laura thinks will eventually be president, it's a good thing he was gone long before the danger point. He'd have gotten them all killed.) Oh, and let's not mention that the one time the boy managed to nut up it meant leaving his terminally ill boss to the tender mercies of a cylon, a terrorist and his prison wife, and Leemo.
I have a dorky 20-something son of my own. The only thing worse than one is two.

Srsly. Would you want to have to look at that face and that shirt every day?


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