(no subject)

Jan 14, 2009 13:20

Ug. I've been gone forever. Because of all the snow here in Washington I have been pretty much living at UPS. I've been covering the morning shift and my evening shift. Mostly I've spent my time with angry parents telling me I've ruined Christmas for their entire family. YAY! On the plus side I'm super rich now (LOLOLOL rich aka I can sometimes afford to buy lunch at Starbucks whoo!).

In the small bit of free time I've had this Christmas season I played through Prince of Persia 2008 which was...idk. I played through the Sands of Time series again before I picked it up so that I could be in tip top shape for the new installment only to find it was incredibly easy! Which wouldn't have been that bad if the plot had been more coherent. Unfortunately because of the extent to which they opened up the world (being able to choose pretty much whichever level you want whenever you want) they have small in my game the prince learned that Elika's mother died only to promptly forget and ponder her family situation out loud. ARG. Though I don't know if I'll be replaying the game with the same relish as the Sands of Time series, the ending of this game is totally worth the 60 dollars I shelled out for it♥

In other news since I spent so much time listening to the radio going back and forth from work in my car I'm halfway through making a Avatar FST entitled Zuko: The Village Bicycle. I just need a Zuko/Sokka track, Zuko/Ty-Lee track and a Zuko/Toph track. :3
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